Saying so close !

One must not allow the clock and the calender to blind him to the fact that each moment of life is a miracle and mystery ~Robin Sharma :)

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Raining Happiness! :)

...The girl was dancing with an umbrella in the rain, on a badminton court with her sister. The blue badminton court was flooded with water. It was around 9 PM in the night. She was jumping in the puddle and was drawing circles as she was running. I was watching from my balcony at these two girls. I could sense myself giggling at their happiness and joy. I wanted to play in the rain like that girl. I was sure that I can't dance though and embarrass myself. But after having three pizza slices on a Friday evening after office, watching an ultra slim idiot box I was a perfect couch potato. The evil me started giving excuses- "Chill! You have to watch a TV show now. On top of that you wanna get wettt! It's an unnecessary task! Go Status Quo!". I was way too lazy to make that first step into the rain. Forgoing my TV show, I started clicking pictures of that girl to freeze the time and frame the happiness on her face and in my heart. My eyes captured the joy, my phone captured the moments, yet my heart pestered like a child, craving for more and more. I realized that there is no difference between that kid and me. It's just that I come with a tag called "Adult". With nothing more to do but to be a child forever, I went to the kitchen and informed my mother ,"I am going for a walk". She responded "Isn't it raining?". I said "That's the reason, I am going for a walk". The rest is just BLISS!!! Stepped out in the rain. Jumped in the puddle. Walked barefoot on wet grass. Closed my eyes and faced the sky. Watched a frog and ran away. And the best part since years- Rain under a tree, shaking the branches. Had an amazing time with nature. What else can I ask for???

pic courtesy-