Saying so close !

One must not allow the clock and the calender to blind him to the fact that each moment of life is a miracle and mystery ~Robin Sharma :)

Monday, August 5, 2013

Non "Judge-Mental" Stance !

Though there has been ignorance since years and with the intensity of the thought exponentially increasing , couldn’t resist posting this one .
While most of us are busy with our own pain , renunciation and rejoice , there are some who are too “ judge-mental ” on others’ lives ! Can’t comprehend what that world keeps on judging when it has no clue what actually is going on with the other person. It's agreed that being judgmental is human nature or accepted to some extent ! But if it becomes the only way of life , then it’s a huge concern . Each one of us are aware of our experiences and the reasons behind our decisions to laugh or cry.For rest of the world , To judge a book by it’s cover is foolish and it is something that comes only when one feels or experiences the true story !

#Love the idea of non-judgmental world !


Saturday, February 16, 2013

"All I want is Freedom ! "

Fighting oppression in multiple ways ! 
Freedom wrapped in chains , 
all Written and said ...
However, the nation still remains in fear !